The first day of school is always a very exciting day for us girls. This one was even more exciting because Dad(Tony) was at home for the first time ever! The girls were so excited to have us both walk them in this morning. They were both styling and profiling in their new outfits. Oh, and if you take special notice of the shoes Madelyn is wearing you will see who inherited their mother's taste for Funky footwear! Now that the day is over: Jadelyn reports that she is the teacher's helper (AKA Kiss Ass!) and Madelyn claims to not know anything about anything as always!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back to School
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Fried Oreos
Most people have places they want to visit and attractions they want to see before they die, I have Fried Oreo on my Bucket list! Tonight Tony and I attempted to make them. I desperately wanted to buy some and the Independence County Fair but was not willing to stand in line for an hour with the kids complaining just to pay 3 bucks for one. We used the recipe off of the Good Morning America website. I must say that they are not as good as I had hoped. I have wanted them for so long that I think I set my expectations too high. They are good, just not something I want to have often. They are so rich that the kids can't even finish one whole cookie. Well anyway now I can cross that one off the list. Tony says I have too many food related items on my List, including a vacation based solely on all the different styles of pizza in the U.S.! Well here's one less now!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Camping Sugarloaf
We recently spent 4 days camping at Sugarloaf at Greers Ferry. We took advantage of the cooler temperatures we were having a couple of weeks ago. We took Justin with us this time. He spent most of his time complaining about not having Internet and TV but we were able to keep him happy with Tony's famous grill cheese sandwiches. The girls rode their bikes all around the camping area and during the day we went swimming at the lake. At night the whole family got in on playing games. Even though we ended the trip by being caught in a storm we had a blast. Can't wait to do it again and hope Justin will brave the outdoors with us again.
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 7:49 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Jadelyn's 8th Birthday
This was going to be the first party that Tony has ever missed...until he showed up this morning. He worked 6 hrs then drove 7 just to make it home this morning. She has been crying all week because he couldn't make it. The look on her face this morning when he woke her up for breakfast was priceless. She jumped and screamed and wouldn't let him go. He has to turn around and head right back to Dallas in the morning but it was well worth it for him to see her happy face this morning. The party went great despite the heat. It was a Spongebob/Hawaiian Luau theme. My cousin Kolby's wife did a marvelous job on the cake. Thank you Laura! The kids had a blast swimming and playing limbo. Thanks Papaw Fred for making the coolest limbo pole ever! Then we went out into the field and shot off the rocket that Tony brought for Jadelyn. It says it goes 100 feet but it goes way higher than that. Now Tony is trying to finally get some much needed sleep in his own bed and I am entertaining girls for a sleepover. It's been a great day!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Edible Bracelets
I am always looking for easy, cheap, new ways to entertain the girls during the summer. It's the only time I have here lately to do any projects with them. Tonight we made edible bracelets. We used Twizzlers Pull-n-Peel for the string. Then I found some new Oreo Fun Stix in two different flavors and cut them into different length sections. They also used Honey combs, Apple Jacks, Toasty O's and even some big fudge striped cookies. We had a lot of fun and they actually taste pretty good. The Twizzlers really set off the cereal believe it or not.
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Kids Cuts
The girls wanted to get their hair cut to make them look different from each other. Absolutely everywhere we go people ask if they are twins. Jadelyn can Not stand it. I took them to get new cuts today. Jadelyn chose a super short bob that is shaved in the back. It makes her look like she is 12! I swear the outfit she has on today plus the new cut just had me dumb struck at how old my first born baby looked. And she is the only person i know that can pull off that super short bob, Adorable! Maddy(who wants to be a model with curls that never has to brush her hair) decided to just get a trim and have the lady curl it up pretty for her. Although by the time i took these pics the curls had mostly come out. She was so pleased with it that she just could not seem to get over herself while we were at the salon. Maddy Loves mirrors, always has!(she Must get that from Tony, he's the same way) They were both just tickled with their new looks. We left the salon and went to Dollar Tree. As soon as we walked in the door the manager came up to us and says, "I just have to ask, Are they twins?" I thought Jadelyn was going to go straight through the ceiling!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Last day of school!
The girls last day of school was yesterday. I took our kittens to each of their class so they could show their classmates. After school we went swimming at dad and Peggy's. It was the first swim of the Summer. How exciting! They had a great time. It's officially time for Summer break fun! It's officially time for me to find ways to keep them busy and not lose my mind!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Mohawk Dudes
My baby brothers Brendon and Logan have been wanting to get their hair done for awhile. My step-mom told them they could when school was out and they had good grades. These red and blue Mohawks are what they chose. I Love it! They are so cute! Needless to say though, we got some very interesting looks at the Batesville ball park last night. Some people need to not be so closed minded. It's just hair people, besides the boys couldn't give a crap less about what all those snooty moms out there think!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
When did my Little brother grow up?
Seriously, When did this happen? He is going to be in the 9th grade and is just a smidge shorter than me now. Crazy! I just realized this today when he tagged along with us to the mall. I didn't realize that he has NEVER been in a mall! He didn't even mention this until I told him we would go in the Target entrance. He said, "What is a Target?" That is when it dawned on me: he never leaves town! When we walked in the mall he literally almost passed smooth out! We had the greatest time! I had a blast just watching his excitement. I mean, I still Love the mall. Could you imagine going to a mall for the 1st time at age 13? All that stuff is targeted for his age group, it was just really magnificent to watch him discover each new store. I could have spent a grand easy on him if i had it to spare! It really got to me when his favorite store was.....Hot Topic! He got 3 shirts in there that he is so proud of he can't sleep. Band T-shirts at that, my goodness when did things go from Pokemon to Nirvana? We went in almost every store, ate dinner there(where I actually bought something from 3 different eateries just to make it an all out Extravaganza) and topped it all off with desert from 2 different places in the mall. We normally don't do this but what can I say...He's still my baby brother to me!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Jadelyn wanted to make sure she had the perfect gift to give Mrs. Foley tomorrow on the last day of school. It was extremely important to her since Mrs. Foley is so special to her since she was mine and Randi's 2nd grade teacher and this is her last year teaching. She had the perfect gift in mind: a pink Build-A-Bear dino like the one Randi had at her shower. Well, i waited to the last minute and the dino she wanted was not available. I dreaded picking her up and telling her. I decided to go ahead and take her to the mall and hoped we would find something she would be happy with. We did! She searched the whole mall over and minutes before she was going to have a total meltdown, we found the reversible dino tote bag at Journeys.(Who would have thought) She also found a small dino magnet and a woolly mammoth key chain to put in the tote. Perfect! Whew, that was a close one. I REALLY need to get organized because Jadelyn simply won't tolerate procrastination! I can't wait for her to give it to Mrs. Foley.
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Big City Time
I, spur of the moment, decided to take the fam to Dallas Friday. Within a couple of hours of making the decision to go we were East bound and down, loaded up and Truckin! The kids waved goodbye to their friends at school and screamed, "Dallas Texas here come the Cunninghams!" Tony rode with us down there but I did the driving so he could sleep. We had to stop in Little Rock and then in Nashville Arkansas before making our way to Highland Village Texas. Life on the road is the life for me. What most consider an awful lot of trouble i.e. driving from town to town, searching for hotels with vacancy, eating truck stop food, sleeping in a different hotel and town every night, and rolling into different towns in the wee hours of the morning is just plain adventure to me. I LOVE the hotel life, and the kids are growing fond of it too. They make friends wherever they go, they love seeing the different hotels, and have actually started having fun on the long car rides. While in Texas we didn't do a whole lot but did shop and play Lunar putt-putt(black light golf) and got to see all kinds of new things along the way. We were just happy to spend time with ole' Tony. The girls are fascinated with rest areas and on our way home we had time to stop since it was just us girls. It was the first car trip that far with just us girls. We took our time, made way too many stops, and had a blast just cruising along I-30. It went a lot better than I thought it would. I didn't get lost once and the girls were great. that just means more trips for these little travelin women! I let them take pictures in the car and here are some of my favorites that they took of us.
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Found: Missing Hubby
My long lost hubby finally got a chance to come to Arkansas. As soon as I got word, I packed the car down and headed his way. The kids were thrilled when I picked them up at school and told them we were going to see Tony. They were yelling out the windows to their classmates that they were going to go see their dad! We spent the weekend and I even let them miss school Monday to get one more day in. they Love hotel life as much as I do. We hated to come home....cry! I wish we could just buy an RV, forget about all normal life, and follow him around from town to town.
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A girl can dream can't she
Well, it may not actually be my dream home but it is in my dream location. It is on Reed Wade Road just outside of city limits. It is not everything that I desire but it can be modified I think. It needs to have the Julie touch put on it and the old lady motif removed. The older couple that owns it have been there since it was brand new. They have maintained it beautifully and are sooo adorable and sweet. It fits almost all our requirements for a home that include: Just outside of city limits, somewhere Jade can have all the cats she wants, Tony can ride his wheeler from our house to the creek and fish, tony can burn as much as his little heart desires in our own yard, not a lot of traffic, no close neighbors, room to build on, a level yard, and a price we might just be able to afford for now. All of these are hard to find in Batesville at a price we can afford. I hope to hear from the bank tomorrow about the loan. I hope the news is good!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Shower Time Again
I went to Randi's family shower in town this weekend. I had a great time despite the Oreo ball incident(inside joke). It was great to get to visit with everyone. The food was to die for(or to fight for in my case). Judy did a great job. It's crazy to think that the next time I see Randi will probably be when she is having Essie. Wow!
Posted by Cunningham's Chaos at 6:06 PM 1 comments