Monday, May 24, 2010

No Like House Wifey

This Sucks! I so hate being in the house all day. I just don't know how people do this. I am spending my day filling out applications online and sending out resumes. Other than that there is all this house crap that needs to be done. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate to clean? Well I hate it! I wanna go outside and do stuff but its all been done. I'm so damn bored! I think the cats are tired of hearing me talk and have hid! It is so depressing being a house wife. The landlord came and I visited with him until he used power tools to drown out my constant chatter. Tony calls on his break and lunch and I chat with him for a minute. I could be organizing but I don't wanna. I could be dusting but I don't wanna. I have manged to start the dishes but got bored and distracted and walked away from that project. I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but this is just hell on me. I was not meant to be a house wife for sure. TV is total crap during the day. All there is are soap operas and Jerry Springerish shows. If I don't find a job soon I am going to lose my flippin mind!!!!!!!!