Sunday, May 9, 2010

Garden Update

So it has been 5 weeks since we planted our garden. It is growing like crazy. Our cabbage is starting to make a head already.

Our cucumber and squash are making beautiful blooms.

We are having a problem with bugs eating our leaves. The ants are especially bad. I was determined to have an organic garden. We tried lots of different natural remedies for garden pests, like cinnamon and pepper, but they did not work at all. In order to not lose all our veggies that we had worked so hard on we had to use Sevin Dust. So that is the white stuff you see all over our garden.
 We have planted three more rows of things since my last blog. We added okra. cantaloupe, and watermelon. You can see the difference in size in these rows that were newly added. We are not sure if the melons will produce, but we got them half price at Home Depot and thought we would give it a shot at least.

So all together we have spent under 30 bucks for the whole garden. We are hoping it all produces, but no big loss if it doesn't. I will keep you updated!