Friday, August 29, 2008

I made it!

Well, the first week at Lyon was hectic but I survived. I was never given a tour, so I stayed lost almost all week! I found myself, more than once, standing in the doorway of an open teacher's door going, "I'm lost!" I managed to be in the wrong classroom only once and luckily no one else showed up so that was my first clue I was in the wrong room. That only made me 15 minutes late for the class I was actually supposed to be in! They told me that to be successful at Lyon I would need to study 3 hours for every hour of class time. So lets do the math: I have 15 hours of class Monday thru Friday, that means 45 hours of studying , Grand total is 60 hours a week working on school! That on top of all the other things I have to do is gonna be hard. I'm just hoping they were exaggerating! It's been a long week, and I'm glad I'm headed to Jonesboro tomorrow! I have taken in so much information this week that I just hope I can still remember how to get there because every time I learn a new fact I think an old one goes out the other side!