Sunday, September 21, 2008


I was enjoying the way the girls were playing so good together earlier this evening. I was trying to get homework done and they were being wonderful. I hadn't heard hardly a peep out of them. This is when I should have known something disastrous was about to take place. I heard a loud bang and then the girls came running down the hall. They were both in a frenzy. They were yelling, "Mom, mom, mom, something is wrong with the toilet!" They were jumping up and down and squealing with an odd mixture of laughter and horror. I could hear the water gushing as I headed down the hall. " The toilet just broke" they both chimed, "It's crazy, mom.!" My feet splashed down in water as soon as I stepped into the bathroom. I waded through and managed to turn the water line off. As I stood almost ankle deep in water with my pajama pants soaked, I turned at looked at them as they stood in the doorway still and quiet as little mice. I knew what had happened and at this very moment, as I stared them straight in the eyes, they knew I was no dummy! They immediately spilled their guts and began to cry and beg and plead their case. This is a very summarized version on their story: Maddy wanted to see what the toilet looked like on the inside and Jadelyn wanted to show her. Jadelyn set forth to take the lid off the tank(only because she was trying to be a good sister and help Maddy learn) when she realized it was to heavy, and she dropped it. It cracked my tank from top to bottom! I sent them both to bed and used every towel I own to soak up the water. Tomorrow I will have to go buy a new toilet and luckily my dad is going to put it in for me(thanks dad!). But for now I can not use the toilet and have had the urge to pee more than normal. I am certain I will wake up with the runs in the middle of the night and I'm gonna get those girls!