Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh Hail!

Yesterday around 5pm I think we entered the twilight zone in Meadow Heights. The weather outside was great, no indications of rain, and then hail hit. I'm not kidding, it looked like we were in the midst of a hurricane over here. It was lightning and the wind was blowing harder than I have ever seen it. We couldn't even open our screen front door it was blowing so hard. The heavy rain caused yards to flood within minutes. The hail was like nothing I had ever seen. We were worried about the car it was hailing so hard. We made the kids get away from the windows and turned on the tube to get some info on what was going on over here. There was nothing! It only lasted about 20 minutes and then went right back to the way it was before. I called 2 people, one in Southside and the other in Moorefield, they both thought I was crazy! It hadn't even rained in Southside and only barely coming down in Moorefield. At least I had my new camera to document the hail that everyone thinks I imagined. So, here you go guys: I've got proof! It was hailing so hard I had to take pics through the sliding glass door, but here is the hail piling up on the deck!